Since the age of 14 I would say that I have always had to deal with breakouts. It all started with lots of little bumps on my forehead and I remember how much I hated them. When I had my school photos taken as bad as they were I remember having to deal with the awkward picture taking and that was on top of how the blemishes would be there in the photos forever, even worse how made me feel ugly. At such a young age thats how I described my skin... ugly
A year later the breakouts started going away by themselves but I started getting blackheads that was only my nose and my skin turned to a very oily skin type. I felt so happy finally having clearish skin and only having to deal with and oily t zone. But that wasn't for very long.
Fast forward to the beginning of last year my skin turned for the worse, my skin was constantly breaking out and I started having painful breakouts that developed under the skin or in clusters all on my cheeks. The blackheads moved to my cheeks (parts near my nose), chin and forehead. It honestly felt like every morning I would wake up to a new friend on my face and no matter what I did nothing seemed to help as much as I would like..
Then a few months ago I was contacted by Proactiv+ to work with them on achieving clear skin with their 3 step system and of course I jumped at the chance for two reasons,
1. my skin duh
2. Ever seen the tv ads and thought yeah sure thats how it got so clear? That was the other reason.
So I wanted to see if it actually worked!! So over the next few months I will be documenting my skin journey and really putting Proactiv+ to the test.
Here is pictures of my skin a few weeks before trying proactiv+ and this was at its worst
For our first meeting which was last week now at the Bronte in London which I so wish I got snap happy with when I was there because it was so dreamy! I met up with the PR company who I'm working with as well as Laura who is a dermatologist from Proactiv+ and a few other lovely bloggers to talk about the 3 step system, our skin and what really makes a blemish a blemish and a blackhead a blackhead.. FUN FACT. Did you know it takes 4-6 weeks for a blemish to actually appear on your skin?! I didn't. Honestly my mind was blown
In our meeting we all got to have a 1 to 1 session with Laura the dermatologist who examined our skin and told us more about breakouts, how to use the skin care properly which I thought was really helpful. I have never seen a dermatologist so it was a really good experience - highly highly recommend
Skin the day of meeting and the first day starting the 3 step system

So to start off we all have been given the 3 step system to use as our main skincare with a few additional extras which I will talk about towards the end of the month when I have used them more but so far loving them. I have also been advised to stay away from my oils and cleansing oil to remove my makeup which did kill me a bit inside because I am all about my oils for my night skincare as its the only thing that makes my skin feel hydrated but the Proactiv+ moisturiser is really making the not using the oils ok.
I'm a week in and my skin is looking ok I do have a few new friends on my face and of course it will get worse before it gets better but I can't wait to see what my skin will look like in a few months..

*this post is in collaboration with Proactiv+
all thoughts and opinions are my own.